8-Series Firmware 8.00

Download Firmware v8.00


  • Scorpio and 888 support for Frame.io Camera to Cloud (C2C). Frame.io C2C is a service that allows automatic upload of 888 and Scorpio recorded files to the cloud as soon as they are closed. Recorded files upload even while recording new ones. To upload to Frame.io, a Frame.io account and/or invitation to add your 888 or Scorpio as a Cloud Device to a Frame.io Project is required. Visit https://www.frame.io/c2c for further information.
  • New Copy Channel Settings menu accessed from the channel screen allows you to copy the settings of the channel to other channels. Any combination of EQ, high-pass filter, compressor, limiter, ISO, phase, pan, mute, source, name, routing, delay, and arm can be copied to other channels.
  • New bus name editing. Bus names are displayed in the meter views. Buses L, R, B1, and B2 ripple their names to their respective take metadata track names. Bus names are also displayed on the CL-16 meters.
  • New CL-16 Channel Colors menu. Customize the background color of individual CL-16 channel strips. This helps easily identify and differentiate between channel sources.
  • Any bus can now be assigned to feed the left and right outputs.
  • LR, 1-3 (Horizontal) meter view added to the 833, 888, and Scorpio.
  • Additional meter views added to the 888 and Scorpio. 
    • LR,1-8, B1-2, X1-2
    • LR Out, B1-4, X1-4
    • LR Out, B1-4, X1-4 (Horizontal)


  • Default selection of the False Take popup is now the “OK” button. 
  • Output naming can now be accessed directly from the Output Routing screens.


  • 888 custom output names are now correctly applied to the proper output.  
  • Channel screens are now properly accessed via the CL-12 PFLs when returning to a previously accessed channel without returning to the home screen. 
  • Return cells no longer have to be scrolled through twice in the Bus 1-10 menus.
  • Phrase numbers no longer increment incorrectly when adding a phrase in the Phrase Manager.
  • Bus limiter changes are no longer applied to all buses.
  • CL-16 no longer goes unresponsive when Select and Headphone knobs are adjusted simultaneously. 

Known Issues

  • Intermittent communication errors can occur when running an RF Scan from Wisycom MCR42 and MCR54 SuperSlot screens. We are working with Wisycom to resolve this issue.