How Sound Devices is Handling COVID-19

Dear Sound Devices friends, business partners, and customers,

Sound Devices is taking all of the required and recommended precautions from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, State guidelines, and the World Health Organization for the health and well-being of our staff, our suppliers, and our customers. We will remain open and available to you as long as we believe we can operate safely. 

At present we continue to ship orders and repairs, accept repairs, and field customer inquiries. Please know that the sales and support teams, along with any other employee who can, are working remotely. In our facilities we are diligently practicing social distancing, including time-scheduling staff. This affects our ability to be responsive. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. The most important thing is that we hope you, your friends, and your family are all safe and well.

Best Regards,

Matt Anderson
President and CEO, co-founder

Jon Tatooles
Business Development, co-founder