USBPre 2: Still Being Made in Reedsburg, Wisconsin

“After 10 years of making the original USBPre1.5, we had learned a lot and solicited lots of customer feedback. Also many of the parts from the original USBPre1.5 had gone obsolete. I designed the entire USBPre-2 with new improved mic preamps – class A long-tail pair with discrete transistors, better metering, and used the Blackfin DSP which was may more powerful than the original bizarre Phillips processor used in the USBPre1.5. The entire code stack for this product was written by Mark Ketilson (Software) and has not really changed since day 1. We are still manufacturing this product in Reedsburg and it stays popular even today. I can’t count the number of FoH and acoustical measurement folks I’ve met who know our company primarily through this device.”