Installing SD-Utility for the A10-RX on a Mac

  1. Download SD-Utility for Mac and the appropriate driver.

2. Go your downloads folder and expand the ZIP files, typically by double clicking. Open the .pkg file for SD-Utility.

3. Follow the instructions on the SD-Utility Installer.

4. Navigate back to the Downloads folder and open “SiLabsUSBDriverDisk.dmg”. Click the Install icon.

5. Click Open.

6. Follow the Installer’s instructions. You will receive this warning message. Click “Open Security Preferences.”

7. In Security Preferences, Unlock the window by clicking the lock icon. Enter your password.

8. Click “Allow.” The driver will finish installing and you will receive a success message on the Installer.

9. In SD-Utility, when you click “Update RX,” you will receive the following pop-up message. Check the box next to “Don’t ask again” if you have installed the driver.

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